The American Health Source, Inc. offers many educational eProducts as displayed on this page. All products will be emailed to the purchaser in digital format.
An Outline of the Central Concepts of Homeosomatic Holistic Healthcare This ebooklet briefly outlines the philosophy of holistic health care, as well as, the dynamic biological and physiological theories and discoveries of clinical holistic health care. This ebooklet outlines clinical concepts that will assist the practitioner of homeosomatic holistic health care in the theoretical understanding and the clinical application of herbal medicine, clinical nutrition, holistic counseling, and therapeutic exercise approaches to health care for the purpose of the prevention of disease and the remedial treatment of disease. Please Note: Your Order today will be fulfilled within 1 to 2 business days. All eProducts will be provided to you in digital format via email.
Herbal Formulas from the Blue Heron Academy - A Student's Handout The herbal formulas listed in this 10 page ebooklet have been developed and used at the Blue Heron Academy. These formulas have been taught to students in the herbal medicine, holistic health, and naturopathy training programs at the Academy, as well as, in the medical manual therapy training program. The Academy approaches herbal medicine from both an empirical and evidence based perspective and herbs are utilized based upon their historic use, scientific research, as well as, their chemical constituents, composition, properties, and characteristics. Please Note: Your Order today will be fulfilled within 1 to 2 business days. All eProducts will be provided to you in digital format via email.
An Outline of the Central Concepts of Orthopedic Therapeutic Needling An Outline of the Central Concepts of Orthopedic Therapeutic Needling has been prepared for students of Orthopedic Therapeutic Needling also called 'Dry Needling', which may include manual therapists, physical therapists, nurses, and physicians. This emanual has been prepared as a brief introduction to the central concepts, theories, and protocols of orthopedic therapeutic needling. The material in this book is organized into two parts. Part one defines "What is Orthopedic Therapeutic Needling" and part two explains the practice of Orthopedic Therapeutic Needling. This material is frequently used in American Manual Medicine Association hands on seminars in Orthopedic Therapeutic Needling for the treatment musculo-skeletal disorders. Please Note: Your Order today will be fulfilled within 1 to 2 business days. All eProducts will be provided to you in digital format via email.
Traveling at the Speed of Lightness This material, and the story within it, was written for personal trainers, martial artists, holistic health practitioners, and anyone interested in the union of training body, mind, and spirit through adventure fitness and cross training. The material in this ebooklet is categorized into two parts; part one investigates the philosophical and spiritual dimensions of a holistic approach to the art and science of adventure fitness and cross training in the natural environment and part two discusses the practical aspects, needs, and preparations for entering the natural environment for the purpose of training the body, mind and spirit. Please Note: Your Order today will be fulfilled within 1 to 2 business days. All eProducts will be provided to you in digital format via email.
National Board Certification Agency (NBCA) Certification and Diplomate Exam eStudy Guides
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The following seven NBCA Exam eStudy Guides have been developed by the NBCA to aid your preparation for the NBCA National Board Certification and Diplomate exams.
All of the NBCA Exam eStudy Guides contain this information:
- The NBCA Code of Professional Ethics
- A description, outline, and list of the exam topics and content
- Exam keywords for estudy and definition
- NBCA sample exam questions and an answer key
- An explanation of the NBCA certification and diplomate exam process
- Information on continuing education
- eStudy references for your preparation for the exam
- Contact information for the NBCA exam administration office
PLEASE NOTE: PayPal Payment Links are directly below each estudy guide.
NBCA Exam eStudy Guide for AcuMyoTherapy Certification Exam.
PDF Digital Copy sent to your email address - $40
NBCA Exam eStudy Guide for Holistic Health Practitioner Certification Exam
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NBCA Exam eStudy Guide for the Lymphedema Technician Certification
PDF Digital Copy sent to your email address - $40
NBCA Exam eStudy Guide for Medical Massage Therapy Certification Exam
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NBCA Exam eStudy Guide for the Personal Trainer, Fitness Consultant, Exercise Specialist Certification Exam
PDF Digital Copy sent to your email address - $40
NBCA Exam eStudy Guide for the Scandinavian Mobilization Therapy and Manual Medicine National Board Diplomate Exam
PDF Digital Copy sent to your email address - $40
Please Note: Your Order today will be fulfilled within 1 to 2 business days. All eProducts will be provided to you in digital format via email.
Volume One, Theories, Concepts and Protocols, is an introduction to basic medical massage
therapy techniques. This emanual contains 22 photographs of the
medical massage treatment protocol.
Volume One: Introduction to Basic Medical Massage Therapy Techniques This eDVD (digital file) covers the following information in the "Theories Concepts and Protocols" emanual:
- The Statement of Professional Unity
- General information and history regarding the Medical Massage Therapy Protocols
- First and second layer massage
- Deep Pocket Acupressure with Postural Folding
- Periosteal Massage
- Bony Lever Technique
- Laminar Groove Technique
- Joint Physics - Traction and Shaking
- Joint physics - Torque
- Joint Physics - Ringing
- Joint Physics - Range of Motion with Joint Physics
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Volume Two, General Rehabilitation Protocols,
is a detailed review of medical manual therapy treatment techniques
and patient case management programs that is organized joint by
joint, body part by body part. This treatment review includes medical
massage, manual therapy, therapeutic exercise, therapeutic
modalities, clinical nutrition and herbal treatment protocols. Please Note: Your Order today will be fulfilled within 1 to 2 business days. All eProducts will be provided to you in digital format via email.
General Massage Protocol eDVD (digital file) The General Massage Protocol eDVD (digital file) provides a visual demonstration with verbal explanation of a massage application sequence focused on affecting the entire body. Instruction is provided on a comprehensive, full body massage routine that is perfect for those clients seeking a longer therapy appointment that is geared to affect the entire body; not just a specific area of chief concern. The General Massage Protocol eDVD (digital file) is also a helpful marketing and practice building tool that therapists can demonstrate at various health expos, charitable race events and the like. Please Note: Your Order today will be fulfilled within 1 to 2 business days. All eProducts will be provided to you in digital format via email.
Volume Three, Therapeutic Modalities,
reviews the use of therapeutic modalities such as heat,
cold, soft tissue laser, electro therapies, and herbal medicine
for the medical massage and manual therapist. Please Note: Your Order today will be fulfilled within 1 to 2 business days. All eProducts will be provided to you in digital format via email.
Volume Four, Lymphedema, presents
the lymphedema treatment protocol of Dr. Lawton, which includes
several new advances in manual and massage approaches to lymphedema
technique and therapy. Please Note: Your Order today will be fulfilled within 1 to 2 business days. All eProducts will be provided to you in digital format via email.
Lymphedema eDVD (digital file) Companion to the Lymphedema eManual (above), this eDVD (digital file) graphically demonstrates the central Lymphedema massage techniques taught at the Blue Heron Academy including repetitive movement technique, progressive capillary propulsion, muscular contraction and relaxation, and compressive stroking. This eDVD (digital file) has been designed specifically for training purposes and easily allows the student to watch a technique being performed repetitively while practicing the technique at the same time. Please Note: Your Order today will be fulfilled within 1 to 2 business days. All eProducts will be provided to you in digital format via email.
Volume Five, The Joint Complex,
presents a complete comprehensive joint evaluation program along
with information regarding progressive degenerative joint disease. Please Note: Your Order today will be fulfilled within 1 to 2 business days. All eProducts will be provided to you in digital format via email.
Volume Six, Fundamentals, is the introductory
text on medical massage and a companion emanual to Volume One. Fundamentals
covers medical massage therapy from philosophy to patient treatment
and to practice management. Please Note: Your Order today will be fulfilled within 1 to 2 business days. All eProducts will be provided to you in digital format via email.
Articles, Studies, and Research,
introduces and reviews the scientific studies and research of medical
massage and manual therapy. This emanual also contains a number
of published articles that have introduced medical massage to the
US massage community. Please Note: Your Order today will be fulfilled within 1 to 2 business days. All eProducts will be provided to you in digital format via email.
Navigating the Maze of Nutrition This general nutrition emanual covers the basics of diet and nutrition. It covers nutritional components and how to eat a healthy and balanced diet. Please Note: Your Order today will be fulfilled within 1 to 2 business days. All eProducts will be provided to you in digital format via email.
Chinese Massage and Acupressure This color photograph filled emanual explains and demonstrates in pictures the techniques of Chinese massage therapy. Please Note: Your Order today will be fulfilled within 1 to 2 business days. All eProducts will be provided to you in digital format via email.
Professional Health Care Practice Forms (eCD) These are the patient and office forms that you need for your complementary and alternative medicine professional health care practice. This is a eCD (digital file) (digital file) collection of over 50 office and patient forms that are designed for use by naturopaths, naprapaths, holistic health practitioners, herbalists, Scandinavian Mobilization Therapists, and personal trainers. This collection of forms includes patient intake, patient history, case note, SOAP note, patient treatment record, therapeutic modality, patient release forms, patient progress notes, patient referral slips, patient health survey, patient pain survey, symptom record, joint evaluation, pain evaluation, patient instruction sheet and many other patient care forms. Please Note: Your Order today will be fulfilled within 1 to 2 business days. All eProducts will be provided to you in digital format via email.
Degenerative Joint Disease Series, Clinical Review Set of Four eBooklets that cover the endocrinological issues that affect muscle and joint diseases. These four ebooklets comprise a series that outlines degenerative joint disease and how insulin resistance, dysglycemia, clinical obesity, thyroid conditions, adrenal dysfunction, and menopause are all related to musculoskeletal disorders.  Please Note: Your Order today will be fulfilled within 1 to 2 business days. All eProducts will be provided to you in digital format via email.
Degenerative Joint Disease Series, Clinical Review Set of Four Audio eCD (digital file)s that complement and accompany the Four eBooklets (above) for the Degenerative Joint Disease Series, Clinical Review. Each audio eCD (digital file) provides a detailed lecture that further explains and expands upon the information provided in the ebooklets. This information is vital knowledge for medical massage therapists, manual therapists, and professionals involved in treating musculoskeletal disorders with manual medicine or therapeutic exercise.

Please Note: Your Order today will be fulfilled within 1 to 2 business days. All eProducts will be provided to you in digital format via email.
Special Pricing - Degenerative Joint Disease eBooklets and Audio eCD (digital file)s Get both the set of four ebooklets and the four accompanying audio eCD (digital file) lectures on degenerative joint disease for the reduced price of $65.

Please Note: Your Order today will be fulfilled within 1 to 2 business days. All eProducts will be provided to you in digital format via email.
Outline of Medical Massage Therapy A concise outline of the theories, protocols, and concepts of medical massage therapy. Please Note: Your Order today will be fulfilled within 1 to 2 business days. All eProducts will be provided to you in digital format via email.
An Introduction to Medical Massage Therapy This Audio eCD (digital file) provides a basic introduction to the fundamentals and central concepts of medical massage therapy. Please Note: Your Order today will be fulfilled within 1 to 2 business days. All eProducts will be provided to you in digital format via email.
Toward an Understanding of Medical Massage Therapy This Audio eCD (digital file) reviews the theoretical principles and methods of medical massage. Please Note: Your Order today will be fulfilled within 1 to 2 business days. All eProducts will be provided to you in digital format via email.
Building a Successful and Profitable Practice This Audio eCD (digital file) discusses how to run and operate a successful medical massage practice. Please Note: Your Order today will be fulfilled within 1 to 2 business days. All eProducts will be provided to you in digital format via email.
Insurance Billing for the Medical Massage Therapist This Audio eCD (digital file) offers information regarding general massage therapy insurance billing information and procedures, including understanding patient confidentiality, medical terminology, HIPPAA laws, and insurance codes and billing. Please Note: Your Order today will be fulfilled within 1 to 2 business days. All eProducts will be provided to you in digital format via email.
Hygiene, Cross Infection, and Infection Control Cross infection in the professional arena and in the office is a serious matter that requires continual management. This Audio eCD (digital file) will outline how to keep you, your staff, and your patients healthy with safe and effective care. Please Note: Your Order today will be fulfilled within 1 to 2 business days. All eProducts will be provided to you in digital format via email.
Professional Ethics and Law for the Medical Massage Therapist This Audio eCD (digital file) will impress upon you the importance of developing a clear understanding of the "ethics of caring." It will also stimulate and provoke thought and self-exploration regarding your professional and personal ethics. Please Note: Your Order today will be fulfilled within 1 to 2 business days. All eProducts will be provided to you in digital format via email.
Therapeutic Modalities for the Medical Massage Therapist In this Audio eCD (digital file) you will learn to develop a clear understanding in the use of various kinds and types of therapeutic modalities including hot and cold, low level laser, percussion, and vibration devices. Please Note: Your Order today will be fulfilled within 1 to 2 business days. All eProducts will be provided to you in digital format via email.
Naturopathy and the Tradition of Clinical Hydrotherapy Hydrotherapy has long been a vital tool used by the massage therapist for the treatment and care of patients with the use of water to prevent and treat disease and promote health. A description of Naturopathy and its principles are also included in this Audio eCD (digital file). Please Note: Your Order today will be fulfilled within 1 to 2 business days. All eProducts will be provided to you in digital format via email.
Screening for Skin Cancer This Audio eCD (digital file) explores why Americans suffer some of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world. Each year Americans die from what is an almost totally preventable disease. Everyone can develop skin cancer; however, some people may be at higher risk than others, due to a range of factors. Please Note: Your Order today will be fulfilled within 1 to 2 business days. All eProducts will be provided to you in digital format via email.
The Skin, Wounds and Healing In this Audio eCD (digital file) you will learn why the skin is the largest organ of the human body. It is soft, to allow movement, but still tough enough to resist breaking or tearing. It varies in texture and thickness from one part of the body to the next. For instance, the skin on the lips and eyelids are very thin and delicate. The skin on the soles of the feet is thicker and harder. The skin is a good indicator of general health. Please Note: Your Order today will be fulfilled within 1 to 2 business days. All eProducts will be provided to you in digital format via email.
Understanding Issues in Body Image This Audio eCD (digital file) discusses body image related to the size and shape of a person's physique only constitutes a part of the overall concerns that a person may have regarding physical appearance. Men and women have many issues related to body image; concerns about weight, either being too fat or too thin, are commonplace. People invest a lot of time, effort and money in altering their physical appearance whether through weight loss or gain, exercise, cosmetics or surgery. Please Note: Your Order today will be fulfilled within 1 to 2 business days. All eProducts will be provided to you in digital format via email.
Diet and Weight Management: Facts About Eating Disorders and the Search for Solutions This Audio eCD (digital file) program investigates the central issues and problems associated with eating disorders. Eating disorders are rampant in our society, yet few states in the nation have adequate programs or services to combat anorexia nervosa and bulimia. Only a small number of schools, colleges and communities have programs to educate our youth about the dangers of eating disorders. Please Note: Your Order today will be fulfilled within 1 to 2 business days. All eProducts will be provided to you in digital format via email.
Diet and Weight Management: Looking at Obesity This Audio eCD (digital file) program reviews and presents information related to obesity. An estimated 97 million adults in the United States are overweight or obese, a condition that substantially raises their risk of morbidity from hypertension, dyslipidemia, type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke, gallbladder disease, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea and respiratory problems, and endometrial, breast, prostate, and colon cancers. Higher body weights are also associated with increases in causes of death. Obese individuals may also suffer from social stigmatization and discrimination. As the second leading cause of preventable death in the United States today, overweight and obesity pose a major public health challenge. Please Note: Your Order today will be fulfilled within 1 to 2 business days. All eProducts will be provided to you in digital format via email.
Personal Training Series One - General Exercise, The Many Benefits of Physical Exercise This personal training Audio eCD (digital file) series is a review of the central concepts related to corrective and restorative therapeutic exercise. This is series one. Covered in this series are the concepts of exercise as they pertain to strength training, cardio vascular conditioning, joint health and special needs populations. Please Note: Your Order today will be fulfilled within 1 to 2 business days. All eProducts will be provided to you in digital format via email.
Personal Training Series Two - Growing Stronger, Strength Training for Older Adults This personal training Audio eCD (digital file) series is a review of the central concepts related to corrective and restorative therapeutic exercise. This is series two. Covered in this series are the concepts of exercise as they pertain to strength training, cardio vascular conditioning, joint health and special needs populations. Please Note: Your Order today will be fulfilled within 1 to 2 business days. All eProducts will be provided to you in digital format via email.
Personal Training Series Three - Personal Training, Obesity and Weight Management This personal training Audio eCD (digital file) series is a review of the central concepts related to corrective and restorative therapeutic exercise. This is series three. Covered in this series are the concepts of exercise as they pertain to strength training, cardio vascular conditioning, joint health and special needs populations. Please Note: Your Order today will be fulfilled within 1 to 2 business days. All eProducts will be provided to you in digital format via email.
Personal Training Series Four - Personal Training and Corrective and Restorative Therapeutic Exercises for Chronic Degenerative Joint Disease This personal training Audio eCD (digital file) series is a review of the central concepts related to corrective and restorative therapeutic exercise. This is series four. Covered in this series are the concepts of exercise as they pertain to strength training, cardio vascular conditioning, joint health and special needs populations. Please Note: Your Order today will be fulfilled within 1 to 2 business days. All eProducts will be provided to you in digital format via email.
Personal Training Series Five - Personal Training, Series 5 - Successful Marketing in the Fitness Business
This personal training Audio eCD (digital file) series is a review of the central concepts related to corrective and restorative therapeutic exercise. This is series five. Covered in this series are the concepts of exercise as they pertain to strength training, cardio vascular conditioning, joint health and special needs populations. Please Note: Your Order today will be fulfilled within 1 to 2 business days. All eProducts will be provided to you in digital format via email.
Infection Control Recommendations for Prevention of Transmission Diseases in Home Health, Medical and Clinical Care Facilities This ebooklet provides recommended guidelines for managing infection control. The ebooklet has been written for allied health care workers including medical assistants, home health aides, nurses, and anyone that is working in a home, medical or clinical environment where proper infection controls need to be practiced in order to safeguard the patient and the health care worker. Please Note: Your Order today will be fulfilled within 1 to 2 business days. All eProducts will be provided to you in digital format via email.
For additional approved eLearning programs in Herbal Medicine, Clinical Nutrition, Business Development and more, please visit the website of our model training school at